1. How do I get a vocation?
First take level 8. Then find npc The Oracle and talk with him. (Do not take level 10 or higher if you don't want to become a Rookstayer!)
2. How can I train afk?
Use the command !train spellname to start a 12-hour training session. During this period, you are immune to other people's hit (unless you are in party with that person) and can develop your character in peace.
3. What does the item 'spellwand' do?
It will summon Mad Sheep with week defence/armor, 100 points of health and 100% of chance of healing. It will disappears after the global Server Save.
4. What are those white and red skull monsters?
Any monster, after dying, has a chance to transform into a miniboss. Minibosses with a white skull are common, while those with a red skull are rare. They can drop items with varying rarity (rare, epic, or legendary), crafting items, money, and mana potions.
5. How does the Crafting System work?
Gather precious stones, creature products, raid tokens and special items to craft legendary stones, event items, and other special equipment.
6. How do I use the Auto Loot feature?
Use the command !autoloot add, itemname to automatically collect the drops you desire. You have 5 autoloot slots (10 with premium account) by default. You can expand your autoloot max slots, check the Extra Services tab in the In-game store.
7. What is the Prey System?
The Prey System grants special bonuses for selected monsters, helping to enhance your combat efficiency, loot drop or exp gain amount.
8. How do Auto Tasks work?
All tasks start automatically. As you level up, you automatically unlock higher-level tasks. For more information, visit the Tasks Page
9. What is the Market item in my Depot locker?
It is a market system available in each depot, allowing for convenient buying and selling of items for all players, even if they are offline.
10. What are Rare, Epic and Legendary Items?
These are exclusive items in the world of Oldheart that you can drop from Minibosses or enhancing a normal item. See more at Enhancement System
11. Can I have both Djinns in the same char?
Yes, you can have green and blue djinn if you buy them on Store. As another alternative, you can complete one of the Factions of the Djinn War Quest and buy the other one on the Store.
12. How can I trade with Rashid?
You can simply buy the Rashid Scroll on the store or make The Travelling Trader Quest, speaking directly to Rashid Assistant. The quest starts only on Mondays.
13. What are the advantages of having Postman Quest?
You will be able to use all the mailboxes behind sealed doors around the map. You will find more mailboxes here in OldHeart than the global map does.
14. What is Supply Teleporter?
Supply teleporter is for those who wants to carry more supplies than your max capacity can hold to a remote hunt, with difficult access. After buying the Supply Teleporter, you have access to these teleports around the map and can throw your supplies directly to the cave entrance.
15. What is the map like in the Oldheart server?
The server uses a global map based on Tibia version 8.0, but with custom additions from more recent versions. See more in Custom Hunts or Custom Rookgaard.
16. Can I sell my character to another player?
You can sell or buy characters through the Char Bazaar, avoiding external negotiations and staying safe. External transactions may result in account deletion.
17. Is Rookgaard Isle edited here?
Rookgaard has been extended with new mysteries, items, an exclusive vocation, a mining system, and new quests like POI ROOK, offering an exclusive and adventure-filled environment. Check the Custom Rookgaard Page.
18. How to walk on WASD mode?
Just press Ctrl + F to toggle it On or Off.
19. How to disable item descriptions on mouse hover?
Just press Ctrl + I to toggle it On or Off.
20. How many time to get Coins after a donation?
Our donation system is 100% automated. After payment approval, you receive your coins. If you don't receive it in at least 1 hour, contact us by sending an email to [email protected] or opennig a support ticket at Discord.
21. Is bot/macro allowed in OldHeart?
The only thing you will be punished here is for using cavebot.
22. How to use the Supply Stash feature?
You can drag and store stackable items to that Supply Stash icon in your Depot. Another option is dragging your backpack to it, so all stackable items will be stored at once! You can withdraw these items from Supply Stash Window at any time!